Post by hhlomaxx on Feb 22, 2003 16:25:30 GMT -5
Hi. does any one else feel that they can convey their thoughts and feelings a whole lot easier if it is written down for others to read rather than face anor\ther person?
Post by ASolitarySoul on Feb 22, 2003 21:37:33 GMT -5
Of course.
With written communication, you have time to think about what you are going to say before you say it, to organize your thoughts and present them in a logical, coherent manner.
I come off much better in writing than with verbal communication.
Post by shane on Feb 23, 2003 7:57:28 GMT -5
thats definietly right. Speaking to someone is more dangerous for us. When we write something down we are sheltered from that one to one contact. Writing is less risky.
Post by Vicki on Feb 23, 2003 16:32:42 GMT -5
I agree completly... when writing things you have the oportunity to re-read it and to change anything you think may not be appropriate.
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25-year old Administrative Assistant who crochets and knits!
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Post by Tiff on Feb 23, 2003 22:00:13 GMT -5
Well for me it's easier to email or IM some people as it is harder for me to talk to them in person. My shyness comes out more so with these people, mostly guys.
Post by windingroad on Feb 23, 2003 23:11:40 GMT -5
YESSSSSSSSSSSS especially when trying to express my feelings to women.
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Posts: 16
Post by ian on Feb 23, 2003 23:35:26 GMT -5
Sure do! I can talk relatively easily to women on forums and things like that, but when it comes to trying to talk to them face to face, that's quite another story. On here, you can take as long as you want to think up something interesting, funny or charming to say. You can also go back and correct something if you're not satisfied with what you've written. Wouldn't it be good if in real life, you could somehow just go back in time and correct all the silly mistakes that you make. Better still, wouldn't it just be great if people like us didn't worry so much about those silly mistakes.
Post by Silent Observre on Feb 24, 2003 20:26:04 GMT -5
OMG OMG! You are *so* right in that area. I was fortunate to have a very understanding h.s. English teacher, and since then my writing sk1||z are l33t. I sometimes saw my classmates get returned essays bleeding red ink, while mines have an A+ on it! ;D
*finds myself wishing that all people were mute and carried PDAs with large screens* Ulp well, that would be like "Hush" from Buffy season 4 or one scene from the School of Learning and Science in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. And that would be scary.....
S.O. who hopes this BB will take off as I don't post to a.s.s. much
Post by glenn on Feb 25, 2003 14:38:08 GMT -5
i am the the same. it is hard for me to talk to people.
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Post by m on Feb 25, 2003 20:37:29 GMT -5
I can't write or talk well.
Post by Valerie on Mar 11, 2003 16:15:42 GMT -5
If you know you have to have a conversation with someone ahead of time~write down ideas of what you want to say or talk about. This will help you in conversation.
Post by Stewpot on Mar 12, 2003 11:26:56 GMT -5
I must admit that through going on forums & chat rooms it has helped improve my communicational skills in real life.
Being a bit dyslexic I find it a lot easier to type & read rather than having to try & read others handwriting.
I guess behind a computer screen you can be who you want as it's often seen through chat room incidents. For all you know I could be a three legged Albatros from Skegness!!!!!!
Post by NewOrleansLady on Mar 16, 2003 5:45:53 GMT -5
I speak just as well as I write but, my problem is I think that others aren't interested in what I have to say or the other person talks so much i just don't bother inerrupting. When people recieve e-mails from me or talk to my through IM on the computer they can't get over how much I have to say and how funny I can be. It makes me sad because I wish I could be like that in person too, I would have a lot more friends.
Post by unionjackattack86 on Mar 16, 2003 9:18:32 GMT -5
I can relate to your post alot NewOrleansLady, one example is at college, we occasionally have team meetings where the whole team sit down and discuss current events and peoples progress [on a self development course.] And the same people out of our group always do all the talking because their the most confident and they always turn around to me and the other quiet ones, complaining that we don't do all the talking but they just take over and by the time they've turned to us, they've covered everything that needed to be said. There's one girl I speak to online who knows me in reality and she often comments that I'm not shy because I make her laugh and talk to her alot but its easy for me to do that online; the only time I can do it in reality is if I know someone extremely well.
Post by Michael1973 on Mar 17, 2003 13:51:01 GMT -5
When I first went online, I was amazed at how easy it was to meet people this way. It never occurred to me prior to that how much different it would be when the whole "getting to know you" conversation was eliminated! I find I can discuss anything at all with my online friends and not feel the slightest bit awkward. I think a great many others have found this to be the case as well.