Post by reddragon on Feb 19, 2006 2:44:54 GMT -5
Post by reddragon on Feb 19, 2006 2:52:12 GMT -5
I hope he is joking too. But anyway answer the question as a female can you tell? ?? Yes, I would be able to tell and I would hope they would tell me before hand. That is an extremely personal thing to be telling. ;D
Post by reddragon on Feb 19, 2006 4:16:26 GMT -5
okay, you're telling me you seriously believe that a guy actually tried to f**k his girlfriend's bellybutton? come on! i would never be disrespectful of an inexperienced person. that is an obvious joke. You would never be disrespectful of an inexperienced person. Ha Ha Doesn't seem like it.
Post by zaab on Feb 19, 2006 4:40:18 GMT -5
Sensitivity is not necessarily a bad thing, but its going to be very hard entering the world of dating without growing a thicker skin.
Post by wagnerr on Feb 19, 2006 10:04:02 GMT -5
okay, you're telling me you seriously believe that a guy actually tried to f**k his girlfriend's bellybutton? come on! i would never be disrespectful of an inexperienced person. that is an obvious joke. You would never be disrespectful of an inexperienced person. Ha Ha Doesn't seem like it. Why do you consider yourself an inexperienced person? Do you mean that you've never had sex before? Or that you've never had a gf, perhaps? Don't be distressed by this. I know some guys who have slept with lots of women, but are the most inexperienced idiots you could never meet. Talk about ignorance!! It's like their whole lives revolve around one thing and one thing only. In the immortal words of Adam Smith, we need to diversify our occupations. ;D
Post by bella2007 on Nov 15, 2007 22:20:35 GMT -5
I wouldn't worry about it at all, if she is into you..it won't be an issue, it wouldn't be for me as long as he is into me...that is all that really matters - right? And like you said between movies, porn, etc. whatever your into there is so much out there you can easily pick up on some pointers so good luck & go for it!
Post by cyclopse on Nov 26, 2007 0:02:48 GMT -5
I think they can tell
Post by Kitten on Dec 28, 2007 16:51:19 GMT -5
I'd be able to tell..not necessarily by the way they kiss or anything but anyone new to a relationship has a certain air naivety about them.
Post by Astroruss on Dec 29, 2007 21:25:45 GMT -5
Opening the present is more fun than getting to the present itself. Sorry, that's a recent Christmas thing i've got hanging in my head right now. If you make her feel good, then she won't care if you're experienced or a novice. What difference would it make?
Post by Sweet Pea on Dec 29, 2007 22:14:44 GMT -5
If you make her feel good, then she won't care if you're experienced or a novice. What difference would it make? none.
Post by Astroruss on Dec 29, 2007 22:51:33 GMT -5
If you make her feel good, then she won't care if you're experienced or a novice. What difference would it make? none. Good. At long last, I have attained the ninth sphere of enlightenment in the pursuit of the fair sex.
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Posts: 188
Post by ty78 on Jan 8, 2008 22:38:01 GMT -5
I think it depends really. If your indulge in self pleasure enough you'll at least last awhile during sex. Kissing isn't so important that it will show your not experienced and its not like its rocket science.
Post by annaa on Jan 10, 2008 0:06:26 GMT -5
I think it depends really. If your indulge in self pleasure enough you'll at least last awhile during sex. Do you think there's any truth to that? Wouldn't it be a bit different with a women to masturbation? I'm just saying..
Post by MrNice on Jan 10, 2008 10:55:39 GMT -5
kissing is important she won't come to a conclusion that you are a rookie though - just a bad kisser
Post by I am Jack's wasted life on Jan 12, 2008 18:17:56 GMT -5
Yeah, they could probably tell if you're hesitant or appear nervous about it. If you play it cool and smooth i don't think she'll be able to tell. She'll probably just think you're a really bad kisser or really bad at sex. I don't think that's any better than her just knowing you're inexperienced. It may even be worst 0_o.