Post by scottydstno on Mar 26, 2006 22:48:28 GMT -5
Got the big buzzer on that one. Patience is the answer. Love is patient. God is love.
And the Bible won't make you a perfect person or even garauntee you'll be happier than others. It is about following love, true love, in every form, for yourself and the world, for your spouce or future spouce and the universe and its creator. The meaning of it is as simple as that ... love, and you will be loved in return, and be saved from eternal death (hell). "Love" in this case is much deeper and broader and in depth than a lot of people realize, is my only point. Love is not to be driven by emotions, based on the Bible. Emotions follow. Yet emotions are what usually drive relationships today, instead of character or faith. The link I posted above is about how God "arranges marriages" to those who wait for His choice. That is the only advice I was giving, to Him alone, not to start a debate here. As the link states, America has a divorce rate of 50%, yet in countries where arranges marriages still take place, the divorce rate is only about 7%, not only because of how looked down upon it is to get divorced in those cultures, but because their parents make wiser decisions. This is very similar, and how I met my hope-to-be future wife. Those who believe in God beleive that He is all-powerful of course ... if He can create all existance and is all-knowing, than He can surely know out of everyone alive who we'd find most attractive and who'd make our most perfect match, so those who wait for His choice and grow in faith instead of worrying about finding someone, will be blessed in time with that perfect match. I of course was extremely skeptical and even though I wanted to believe it and told myself I did believe it, truthfully with my heart I didn't, but I slowly got better about it, and the result is the situation I am in now. Peices of that article above basically predicted a future that I am now living, as well as for everyone else I know who has done this. That's all I am saying ... to him ... not to everyone saying they need to believe what I do or anything.
Post by scottydstno on Mar 26, 2006 22:52:13 GMT -5
I'm actually not new to this board I was an old member but I forgot my user name and pass lol, and apparently my e-mail doesnt work anymore so I guess my account was inactive long enough to be deleted. I also am a member of a 145,000 member christian forum and run a proboards forum myself so I'm familiar with it, I'm just saying that this was advice I was giving to the author of this post, from a Christian to a Christian. Is this not a topic asking for advice? "Pissed and Annoyed and need some advice". Looks pretty obvious to me. I am never unprepared to discuss this, I simply don't want to be taking over someone else's topic if they want more advice to be made for them. I didn't post my advice to start a debate ... people who disagreed decided to do that.
Post by Bodhi on Mar 26, 2006 22:53:57 GMT -5
Well, I'll bypass this whole Christianity debate and go back to the original topic. SPG, my advice would be to forget about the whole friends prank thing and either ask this girl out on another date or move on. It will only eat you up inside to keep thinking about what she thinks of you and obsessing over things. I've been there and its not a good feeling. If she says no or makes an excuse about not going, I would move on. It's really hard but you have to do it, you can't hold on to a girl that doesn't like you. If she had any type of attraction to you on the first date she will be willing to at least go on a second date. And if she didn't like you, don't beat yourself up over it, it happens to everyone and there are a million reasons why she might not have liked you. Just move on and try to find someone that does like you, I'm sure there is someone out there. Good luck.
Post by Sweet Pea on Mar 26, 2006 22:53:58 GMT -5
we're pretty casual about the direction threads take here. but if you've been around awhile i guess you must realize that.
Post by shypsychologyguy on Mar 26, 2006 22:59:00 GMT -5
i dont mind but one thing i have found is that discussing religious beliefs here goes nowhere because people have already made up there minds . its best to discuss religious things and salvation one on one and not in public.
the bible does say that many will say lord lord but that few would be saved. its not about a head knoweldge of Christ its about your heart and what christ is to you personally( savior or just a man. )
satan and the demons have a head knowledge of Christ
there are alot of bible readers that are trusting the wrong things and or choose to believe what they wish and these people will be the ones that say lord lord but will not be found "saved"
this thread has gone crazy off topic but ive found alot of encouragment by it .
Post by Crashtastic on Mar 26, 2006 22:59:52 GMT -5
I don't really understand why this turned into a big religion debate.....scottydstno offered advice to SPG that SPG seemed to have found useful.
Post by scottydstno on Mar 26, 2006 23:00:18 GMT -5
Well put
Post by wagnerr on Mar 26, 2006 23:02:30 GMT -5
I don't really understand why this turned into a big religion debate.....scottydstno offered advice to SPG that SPG seemed to have found useful. Yeah, i agree. If we're gonna continue this religious debate/discussion, what would yall say if i moved it to the debates' forum? I worship the all powerful Smilie God!!!!
Post by shypsychologyguy on Mar 26, 2006 23:11:23 GMT -5
I could care less where this goes cause i have peace about this now. Bodhi thanks for giving you advice . letting go will be hard but i may not have to let this go. its not in my hands so im not worried about it.
Post by sushiboat on Mar 26, 2006 23:29:18 GMT -5
satan and the demons have a head knowledge of Christ Damn! I've been busted again!
Post by iroseiroared3 on Mar 27, 2006 2:04:00 GMT -5
I don't know if I consider myself a Christian.. I don't know if I categorize myself into any religion but I believe in God, and I do agree if that if this girl was meant to be then she will be.
Sure you have to work at the relationship too, but you will be helped along the way to make sure that you two are together if you were meant to be. I just say this because I've had some strange experiences too that seem maybe a little more than just coincidence.
Post by pnoopiepnats on Mar 27, 2006 2:35:04 GMT -5
I find a morning, afternoon, or evening of good hard bible reading great fun! I tend to yell out OMG a lot!
Post by Richard Cunningham on Mar 27, 2006 4:43:31 GMT -5
"Nazareth the Amazing"
Priest: And on the third day, there was a marriage in Canaa of Galilee. And it came to pass that all the wine was drunk. And the mother of Jesus said unto the Lord, "They have no more wine." And Jesus said unto the servants "Fill six water pots with water." And they did so. And when the steward of the feast did taste of the water from the pots, it had become wine. And they knew not whence it had come. But the servants did know, and they applauded loudly in the kitchen. And they said unto the Lord, "How the Hell did you do that?!" And inquired of him, "Do you do children's parties"? And the Lord said, "No." But the servants did press him, saying, "Go on. Give us another one." And so he brought forth a carrot. And said, "Behold this, for it is a carrot". And all about him knew that it was so: for it was orange... with a green top. And he did place a large red cloth over the carrot and then removed it. And lo, he held in his hand... a white rabbit. And all were amazed and said, "This guy is really good! He should turn professional!" And they brought him, on a stretcher, a man who was sick of the palsy. And they cried unto him, "Maestro, this man is sick of the palsy." And the Lord said, "If I had to spend my whole life on a stretcher, I'd be pretty sick of the palsy, too!" And they were filled joy and cried out, "Lord, thy one-liners are as good as thy tricks. Thou art indeed an all-round family entertainer." And there came unto him a woman called Mary, who had seen the Lord and believed. And Jesus said unto her, "Put on a tutu and lie down in this box." And took he forth a saw, and cleft her in twain. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. But Jesus said, "Oh ye of little faith". And he threw open the box, and lo, Mary was whole. And the crowd went absolutely bananas. And Jesus and Mary took a big bow. And he said unto her, "From now on, you shall be known as Trixie. For that is a good name for an assistant." And the people said unto him "We have never seen anything like this. You shouldn't be wasting your time in a one-camel town like Canaa. You should be playing the big arenas in Jerusalem." And Jesus did harken unto their words. And he did go unto Jerusalem. And he did his full act, before the scribes and the Pharisees and the Romans. But alas, it did not please them in their hearts. In fact, they absolutely crucified him. Here ends the lesson.
Post by Richard Cunningham on Mar 27, 2006 4:50:55 GMT -5
And where the duck is that Armageddon I ordered!!!! It's way overdue god dammit! I wanna see some death and justice at long last.
Post by Richard Cunningham on Mar 27, 2006 4:53:02 GMT -5
"A Warm Welcome"
The Devil (Toby): Uh, hello. It's nice to see you all here. Now, as the more perceptive of you've probably realized, this is Hell. And I am the Devil, good evening. But you may call me "Toby", if you like. We try to keep things informal here, as well as infernal... that's just a little joke... I tell it every time. Now, you're all here for (reading) Eternity... oooh, which I hardly need to tell you is a heck of a long time. So you'll all get to know each other pretty well by the end. But for now I'm going to have to split you up into groups... will you STOP SCREAMING!? Thank you. Now, murderers? Murderers? (pointing) Over here, please. Thank you. Uh, looters and pillagers over here, thieves, if you could join them, and lawyers, you're in that lot. Uh, fornicators, if you could step forward? My God there are a lot of you. Could I split you up into adulterers and the rest? Male adulterers, if you could just form a line in front of that small guillotine in the corner there. The French, are you here? If you'd just like to come down here with the Germans, that'd be lovely... I'm sure you have plenty to talk about. Okay, uhm... Atheists? Atheists? You must be feeling a right bunch of nitwits. Never mind. And finally, Christians. Christians? Ah yes, I'm sorry, I'm afraid the Jews were right. If you could come down here with the others... that would be really kind. Thank you. Okay, right, well are there any questions? Yes? No, I'm afraid we don't have any toilets. If you'd read your Bible you might have seen that it was damnation "without relief", so if you didn't go before you came, then I'm afraid you're not going to enjoy yourself very much... but I believe that's the idea. Okay, well it's over to you, Adolph, and I'll catch you all later at the barbecue... bye!